Weekly Worship Bulletins

Weekly Worship Bulletins

Every Sunday at worship we have a bulletin to go along with what we are going to be doing during worship.

The bulletin shows what songs we will sing, what the Pastor’s sermon will be, as well as what Bible verses he will be preaching from.

On the back of the bulletin will be the weekly schedule also a brief summary of some current events.

Sunday October 9th Worship Bulletin

Sunday, October 9th 2016 Worship Bulletin This past Sunday was our monthly Fellowship dinner and was hosted by Pulse Youth. Instead of it being a potluck meal, the youth cooked served Spaghetti, with salad, garlic bread, and desserts. All donations raised go to helping pay for summer camps and mission trip(s). After the Fellowship Spaghetti Dinner Pulse Youth went to…

Sunday October 2nd 2016 Worship Bulletin

World Communion Sunday. October 2nd. October 2nd 2016 is World Communion Sunday and we collected a special offering for the new Wesley Foundation at Oklahoma State University to help with the building of a new campus ministry for the Methodist student. There will be a groundbreaking ceremony for the building on Saturday, October 8th at 823 W. University, on OSU campus.…